Wednesday, February 17, 2010

♥ Captured at last!

I am thrilled to see wild animals roaming around this winter. First, there's a hare that had run across the road while we were walking back home one night. I thought it was a rabbit, but hubby told me it's a hare. Ok, so I saw a wild hare not a rabbit. ☺ It looks like a rabbit though just a bit bigger. Its fur changes color with the seasons and is greyish brown in the summer and white in the winter. . The next one was that cute young deer, a bambi as what they call it here. Surely, it resembles Disney's "Bambi". It was taking its early morning walk down the hill nearby. So sweet it was taking every step so slow and gracefully. I can't help myself, but be amaze of what I am peeping through the window in our bedroom. Oh, I had to take picture of this bambi! Oops, it senses the noise when I opened the blind widely and there it's gone as quick as I could  realize it's wild and truly has a magnificent sense of sensitivity on everything other than danger. I really hope I will be able to see it again. Every time I took my daily walk around  in our backyard, I could tell by the tracks on the snow that it has been there during the night. I was surprised one night,Frida reckon me to come with her outside (they had just arrived). She was pointing on something in the fields, and saying "elg". Well, I didn't understand what she said until hubby told me they saw a moose on their way back. How exciting that those wild animals are just around here! Though there are large numbers of moose  found throughout Norway, seeing even just one is awesome! I promised myself to take a snapshot of it whenever I'm lucky. And yes, I was lucky one morning, I saw a moose on its way down the road. It was a calf, yet it was about 5 ft. high, no antlers. I guess it was a female. It runs real fast as hubby was also on his way down to the road. Unfortunately, no photos taken that time. I'm sure I'll get a chance soon...

Soon has come sooner... Here it is..
Captured its silent moment lying on that freezing  field of snow, stiff and lifeless. :(
I was so sad knowing I was been waiting for a chance just to snap a photo of this poor wild being, and it came out this way.
Life has no exception, I believe. It's just a matter of time.
This morning hubby saw another moose roaming around, I guess it was looking for its calf which is lying breathless down the slope. The wildlife authority will be coming today to check further for the cause.

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